The Siti Legacy – Gen 2, Chapter 6

7 Aug

B96.jpg picture by ZvaellaB96 : Not too long after Charlotte’s birth, Alexandria and Al decided to realise one of their biggest dreams : going to Egypt. Now that they were close to retirement, it felt appropriate for them to take some time for themselves. They could hardly contain their excitement as they stood on Egyptian ground together!


B98.jpgB97 – B98 : They had the chance to see the great pyramids and to walk along the Egyptian sea. It was a dream come true!

B99.jpgB99 : While they were absent, Bailey decided it was time to change the house a bit. The house clearly was getting to small for all of them, and so she decided to expand the first floor.

B100.jpgB100 : The room she had once shared with her twin sister became her parents’ room.

B101.jpgB101 : The dining room became the sports room…

B102.jpgB102 : … and the new dining room was set in a larger room in the new part of the house.


B104.jpgB103 – B104 : The kitchen became its own room and was lightly re-decorated. As she changed the house to her convenience, Bailey felt she was at the same time taking a firm hand on her title. Berlin had once said she wouldn’t be a great heir, but she now believed she could really well do it.

B105.jpgB105 : Charlotte was bringing joy to everyone in the family – although Bogota still thought she was mostly annoying. Alexandria just loved playing with her and couldn’t stop telling her how beautiful she was.

B106.jpgB106 : Al also felt protective of his first grand-daughter. He had been working a lot when his kids were growing up; now that Charlotte was there, he was making it his priority to spend time with her, teaching her to talk and reading her a story every night.

B107.jpgB107 : Al also felt it was his duty to remind Billy of what he was missing.

“Did you know that your daughter said her first words this month? She said “mommy” and “gran’pa” and “gran’ma” and “puddin”, but she can’t even say “daddy” because you’re never there.”

B108.jpgB108 : Billy looked at his former friend with irritation.

“Al, I know you place your family first and that’s amazing. You know I’ve always admired that! Remember how I said so when we were working together? I wasn’t lying. But I have a career to think about, too.”

B109.jpgB109 : “Your career, yes” Al, said, rolling his eyes. “Let’s talk about that career of yours! You’re way too old to be touring and getting home at four in the morning!”

“Too old? This is nonsense!”

“You’re a father now, Billy. You’ve got responsibilities. Charlotte is growing up and you’re missing it, and you’ll completely regret it, believe me.”

“Whatever, Al.”

B110.jpgB110 : But the following morning, before he left for his two-weeks tour, Billy took some time with his daughter. He fed her, chatted with her a little and listened to her play the xylophone.

Billy did love his daughter, and he felt caught between two chairs : music was his life, but he didn’t want to be an absent father, either.

With that in mind, he kissed his daughter on the forehead and left for the tour. He would have time, meanwhile, to think things through.

B111.jpgB111 : When he came back, his decision was taken.

“Bailey” he said, “I’ve thought about this seriously, and your dad is right : I’m too old to be running around like this. I’ve made plans with the band to travel less. I’ll complete this year’s tour, but next year, we’ll do mostly local shows. I want to be there for you and our daughter.”

B112.jpgB112 : Bailey took her fiancé’s hand in hers.

“Are you sure that’s what you want? I mean… I don’t want you to regret it and to hate us for it Music was your dream!”

“No, I’m sure. And I’ll still be playing and singing. Just closer to home. You and Charlotte are all that I want.”

B113.jpgB113 : They kissed tenderly and Billy smiled at his future wife :

“Oh, I’ll admit that I lied. There’s something else that I want : another kid. One that I’ll be present for.”

Bailey smiled at the thought.

B114.jpgB114 : “Are you sure that’s what you want?” she asked again, as they were getting to bed that night.


B115.jpgB115 : This time, when the morning sickness came, there was no surprise!

“Can you believe this, Charlotte?” Bailey said, hugging her daughter close to her heart. “You’re gonna have a little sister or brother!”

Charlotte was still a bit too young to comprehend the news, but she smiled anyway, like she always did!

B116.jpgB116 : Billy was still on tour for the rest of the year, as his contract obligated him, but she shared the news with him as soon as he came home.

He was positively happy, although a little less excited than she had expected him too. His lack of enthusiasm made her a bit insecure.

B117.jpgB117 : “Are you sure you’re happy?” she asked, as he felt her tiny belly.

“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know” she said. “Because you’re the one who first wanted this, but now you act as if I just told you it’s going to be sunny tomorrow.”

Billy stepped back and raised his hands in the air, looking exasperated.

“I’m not 25, Bailey! I don’t jump around for every bit of good news. Grandsim!”

B118.jpgB118 : Bailey took a long look at Billy before she finally talked.

“What’s up with the bad mood? I just asked you a question!”

“I don’t have a bad mood, I’m just tired, that’s all. And now, I have to go practice a few songs, because we’re doing the first part for the Rolling Sims tomorrow and that’s huge. I have to be at my best.”

She let it go; he probably just had a bad day, and the last thing she wanted was to make it worse from him. She knew he wanted that kid and that, in time, he would be celebrating with her.

B119.jpgB119 : Bailey was in her eight month of pregnancy when her parents celebrated their anniversary, officially becoming elders. She was shocked that her parents were growing old already; life was definitely running too fast!

They had a big family celebration, their first all together since Berlin and Barcelona had moved out.

B120.jpgB120 : Al was definitely ecstatic to have all of his kids sitting at the same table again. There was no bickering or whining on that day; they shared only good memories and congratulated each other on their successes.

B121.jpgB121 : “I can’t believe my little sister is pregnant again!” Berlin said later that night. Susie had left a couple hours before him, but he had stayed behind to spend time with his family. “I can’t wait to meet my new nephew.”

“Or niece” Bailey corrected him with a laugh.

“Nah, it’s gonna be a boy. It has to; there’s already too many women in this family!” His tone sounded serious, but Bailey could see a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

B122.jpgB122 : “So”, Bailey said, “When are you and Susie going to get on it too? I love my kids but I want little nieces and nephews, too!”

Berlin turned his eyes away. “Well… I don’t know, really. Susie and I, it’s not going… great, right now.”

“Oh. Oh Berlin, I’m so sorry.”

B123.jpgB123 : He cut her off before she could say more.

“Don’t say that. It’s my fault, really! Mom was right, and I got into that relationship way too fast. I discovered things on her…”

As Berlin explained to his sister what he had found, Bailey realised that everything he had discovered confirmed what Barcelona had found years ago. She told him so, and his reaction was a mix of surprise, anger and sadness.

“But why has no one told me? I’ve been living with this guilt all this time! I’ve been avoiding you all because I couldn’t bear to bring her close to the family – and yet I still have feelings for her. I don’t know what to do!”

B124.jpgB124 : “Mom said she didn’t have enough proof, but really, I think she just didn’t want to force you to choose – again! I’m sorry, Berlin. There’s been too many secrets between us all about this; what do you say we promise each other to tell everything from now on?”

Berlin nodded, visibly fighting his emotions. “That’s a deal. I have to go home now, or Susie is going to get worried… take care, Bailey.”

They kissed each other on the cheeks and Berlin went back to his traitorous wife, feeling more confused than ever.


B126.jpgB125 – B126 : And here are Al and Alexandria as elders. Not looking bad, in my opinion, but I’m definitely starting to dread their coming death. 😦

Also, great news (for me lol) : I received Ambitions tonight and I’m about to install it. I can’t wait to follow the Sitis at work! 🙂

The Siti Legacy – Gen 2, Chapter 5

3 Aug

B74.jpg picture by ZvaellaB74 : The first person Bailey announced her pregnancy to was her twin sister (not including Bogota, who had first guessed about her condition). Bailey thought how beautiful life was, that as her sister was leaving the house, Bailey would be bringing a new life home.

Barcelona had found her dream home, a little white house by the river, just across the street from her family. Her mom affectionately called it a “shack”, but Barcelona was glad she would be living in a really small place : she was kind of a slob, and a smaller place meant less cleaning.

(note : you can see Barcelona’s house by the window here!)

B75.jpgB75 : Next came her parents. Her mom was already suspecting that her wardrobe change was hiding something, and even though Al was kind of clueless about those things, he would soon notice that things were changing around.

“Mom, dad… I have something to tell you. I’m pregnant!”

B76.jpgB76 : “You’re… pregnant!” Alexandria repeated slowly, as if she wasn’t sure. She took a moment, considering her words carefully. “I… I didn’t know you were… seeing someone.”

Bailey bit her lip and fixed her eyes in front of her, willing herself not to cry. Not that she would; it was the pregnancy that made her emotional. Really.

“I was seeing someone in college, but… we went separate ways. I’m not sure what I’ll do about that yet. I guess I’ll write to him and see when he’s available.”

“You definitely should. He’s going to be a father, that’s a big deal! He would probably like to know.”

B77.jpgB77 : Al, who hadn’t said a word yet, suddenly gasped and did a little jump on his seat, as if someone has just shook him awake.

“Wait, wait a minute! If you’re pregnant… this means… I’m going to be a grand-father!?!?”

Alexandria laughed, remembering how Al had been amazed by the miracle of nature when she was pregnant with their kids.

“That’s usually how it works, dad!” Bailey said, giggling too.

“I just didn’t know I was that old already! This means we can retire soon! That’s fantastic. I’ll go get the baby books!”

B78.jpgB78 : Bailey wrote a email to Billy, asking him when he would visit, and he had replied he would stop by in a couple of months. Bailey had hesitated mentioning the pregnancy, but had then decided that was the type of news that was better announced face to face.

While she waited for her belly to grow, she transformed Berlin’s old room into a baby room, and since she had no idea whether it would be a boy or a girl, she chose a colourful theme that would fit either. And even though she wasn’t a fan of kids (or any noisy thing, for that matter), Bogota had generously painted a multi-coloured zebra to decorate the room!

B79.jpgB79 : Then she helped Barcelona settle in her new little house. Alexandria often joined the fun by preparing meals for her daughter, who was completely inapt in the kitchen.

Bailey and her sister loved to talk about the coming baby; they picked names, made travel plans for its future, dreamed about what the baby’s life would be. Barcelona’s excitement to become an aunt made Bailey a little les nervous about becoming a mother.

B80.jpgB80 : Then, Billy’s band stopped by Riverview and he immediately came to visit Bailey’s house. After awkward salutations, she couldn’t hold it longer, and she blurted out the news.

“I’m pregnant!” she said in one breath. “You’re going to be a father!”

Billy’s surprise was obvious on his face, but she couldn’t read his expression.

“What do you think?”

B81.jpgB81 : “What do I think? Bailey, I think that’s excellent news! A baby is always great news. I can’t believe it! I never thought I would be a father.”

B82.jpgB82 : Bailey was six months pregnant and her belly was already big. Billy touched it a bit shyly, as it was the first time they touched each other in many months now, but she started giggling at their awkwardness and it was like they were back six months before.

B83.jpgB83 : Hand in hand, they walked together to the little spot by the house where Bailey had devoured all of her romance novels when she was a teen.

“Billy, I’m so happy to see you again, and so glad that you want to be a father to our baby.”

B84.jpgB84 : “There is something I would like to talk to you about, if you would just give me a minute” she said.

She grabbed something in the huge pocket of her dress and slowly got on her knee.

B85.jpgB85 : “Billy Caspian, I would love for you to officially become a member of this family and to raise this child with me! You can continue on with your dream of being a musician, but you’ll always have a home to come back to. What do you say?”

B86.jpgB86 : Billy immediately slid the ring on his finger.

“Bailey, I could never say no to you. Of course I will marry you!”

B87.jpgB87 : She jumped into his arms and squeezed him against her.

“I love you, Billy!”

“I love you too, Bailey.”

B88.jpgB88 : In the last few months of her pregnancy, Bailey hired decorators for her bedroom, which had previously been her parents’ bedroom. She wasn’t into neutral colours as much as they were! Because of her love for traveling, she opted for a Chinese-inspired look.

B89.jpgB89 : Sadly for her, Bailey’s father didn’t share the excitement about her engagement to Billy, and he made sure that his daughter knew about his feelings.

“I can’t believe you, Bailey! Billy Caspian? He’s almost twice your age! He’s too old for you. What were you thinking?”

B90.jpgB90 : Bailey stared at her father like he was going crazy.

“But dad, I told you it was Billy many times!”

“I thought it was another Billy.”

“Well, it wasn’t! You’re gonna have to deal with this; he’s here to stay.”

Al snorted. “From what I can see, he’s not here now.”

“He’s on tour, you know that. He couldn’t cancel everything at the last minute. It’s okay.”

B91.jpgB91 : “I just don’t want to see you get hurt. I’m a father, that’s what I do; protect my kids, even when they’re old enough to make their own mistakes.”

Bailey smiled at her father, rubbing her belly lightly.

“Don’t worry, dad; I get it.”

B92.jpgB92 : Before long, it was time for the baby to come out. Bailey woke up in the middle of the night feeling the first painful contractions, and immediately woke her parents up. Billy would be coming back home only two days later, and she had hoped the baby wouldn’t come before, but of course she had no control over the situation!

B93.jpgB93 : By the end of the next day, Bailey was coming out of the hospital with her first baby, a healthy little girl named Charlotte.

B94.jpgB94 : Billy came home not too long after that to meet his new daughter.

“She’s beautiful!” he said with love as he fed her for the first time. “She has your eyes.”

“Do you think so?”

“Absolutely! She’ll grow up to be as beautiful as you, that’s for sure!”

B95.jpgB95 : Billy was right : as Charlotte grew up, it became obvious to everyone that she would look as beautiful as her mother and her grandmother!

Note : Charlotte really is an almost replica of her mother and grandmother. She has the same face as toddler Bailey, except with different coloring. I hadn’t realized that Alexandria’s genes would be this strong over the generations! 🙂